Head of the Accountancy Department

Prof. (Dr.) CA. Kishore Peshori
Co-Ordinator – B.Voc (Accounting & Taxation)
Chairperson – Ph.D in Accountancy
M.Com, M.PHil, Ph.D, MBA
Head of the Commerce Department

Prof.(Dr.) Shreekumar Menon
Co-ordinator – B.Voc(E-Commerce & Digital Marketing)
Head of the Business Management Department
Head of the Business Economics Department

Dr. Manikandan Iyer
Vice-Principal /Associate Professor
Co-Ordinator -B.Voc(Wealth Management)
M.A (economics), M.Com (banking)
Email: mani.iyer@mmk.edu.in
Head of the Mass Media Department
Ms.Sharon Menezes
Assistant Professor
Co-Ordinator -B.Voc(Media Communication & Journalism)
M.Phil , MA, MBA
Email: sharon.menezes@mmk.edu.in